【同义词辨析】 2017-08-14 天生innate-hereditary

innate: applies to qualities and characteristics that are part of one's inner essential nature: a person with an ~ sense of superiority.

inborn: suggests a quality or tendency actually present at birth OR so marked and deep-seated as to seem so: her ~ love for rugged, outdoorsy life.

inbred: suggests something acquired from parents, either by heredity or nurture, or deep-rooted and ingrained: a man with ~ extremist political views.

congenital: applies to things acquired before or at birth during fetal development: a baby with ~ heart murmur.

hereditary: applies to things acquired before or at birth and transmitted from one's ancestors: eye color is ~.

innate天生的天性的: 表示内在的本质的属性, inborn天生的: 表示天生的或像天生一样地深刻持久(marked,deep-seated中性)的,inbred: 来自父母遗传影响根深蒂固(ingrain多负面), congenital先天: 胚胎发育时形成的特征, hereditary遗传: 继承自组先的特征(注意先天congenital遗传hereditary的区别)

记忆方法:1) 首字母联想,III CH: 中文<--天生爱中文。

            中文Chinese缩写是CH             英文English缩写是EN

2)天生的意思是非后天获得mean not acquired after birth.